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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Interesting Roulette Facts

Roulette is one of the most famous games in the entire world; however there are many facts that most people do not know.
Most people know the name roulette but most people do not know the name Blaise Pascal, this French mathematician made the first and most primitive version of roulette by complete accident.

Most people also do not know that roulette at one point was reserved for the most high and affluent classes in Europe. Roulette tables used to always have two zeroes it wasn’t until the mid 19th century that the first single zero table was made in Homburg, Germany. Roulette was all the rage in Europe in the 1800’s so much that casinos started popping up all over the place and the competition got very fierce; it was this competition that lead to the innovation of the single zero wheel , casinos that could offer single zero wheels were able to gobble up tons of market share among players.

In Europe single zero wheels are still extremely common. Even though the European casinos are filled with single zero wheels the change never occurred in America, if you walk into almost any Las Vegas casino you will find wheels with double zeroes. In the 1990’s there were numerous occasions that roulette wheels when studied extensively would reveal a bias, that the ball would end up on one number slightly more often than the other numbers, after these errors were discovered casinos took action to prevent biases, they innovated new way of building roulette wheels to make them more random.

More than a few times gamblers would study specific roulette wheels for the purpose of extracting data hoping to find wheels with defects and biases, when biases would be found the gamblers would then do everything to exploit the error. In 1982 a team of American gamblers went to Britain in hopes of exploiting casinos with older wheels, they succeeded and took the casinos for ridiculously large sums of money in a short amount of time.

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